30 Apr 24 Coyote Jibberish

Today is my Brother’s Birthday. He’s 51 today. … As estranged as we are, I still think of him fondly and often …

Yesterday, I did a trial run of getting to Dublin, picking Kevin up from the aiport, and getting us to our hotel. I’m happy that I did. I have to make a few tweaks so that it all can run smoothly when he gets here on the 25th of May.

Had a scare yesterday. While I was on the train back to Cork, I get a message from him saying that he’s experiencing abdominal pain and is going into the Urgent Care to have it checked out. I was in a near panic. I was even looking up flights just in case I needed to fly over there. But thankfully it all worked out. There was a part of me that worried we’d have to cancle his trip out here. But his health is far more important and plans can be changed.

I almost got my foot snapped off by a dog lead. I had taken Sprite out to Deerpark for a run before tai chi classe. Lucy is a young very exuberant white lab. Sven’s still working on her recal, and keeps her on a very long lead. When it was time for Sprite and me to go, Lucy had Sprite’s ball and didn’t want to give it up. Sven tricked her into dropping the ball with treats. She noticed that I grabbed the ball and though the I was playing, so she kept jump at the ball. I was trying to keep it away from her by turning around. But she kept at it. In the whole ordeal her long lead got wraped around my ankles and when she jumped she literally pulled me off my feet and I landed hard on my right hip. My right ankle hurt so bad, and at first I couldn’t move it. But I managed to get some movement back, assured Sven that everything was OK, that it was just an accident, took Sprite and hobbled home. It’s really stiff now, but I’m sure it’s just a minor sprain and will be fine in a couple of days.

There were only 3 people in class. … That’s fine … Carla gave me a box full of potted seeds. Sweetcorn, squash & beans! My 3 Sisters Garden! I told her that they will all be planted in the Lough Down Garden.

That’s pretty much my boring day …

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